35 events found.
Calendar of Events
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La La Lil Jidar: 20 Years Behind The Apartheid Wall Opening Reception
La La Lil Jidar: 20 Years Behind The Apartheid Wall Opening Reception
This is a chance to join community members is an experiencing the photography of Aisha Mershani with mezzes from Renata's […]
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Film Screening: Human Rights Coalition Presents: JUSTICE FOR US
Film Screening: Human Rights Coalition Presents: JUSTICE FOR US
The JUST FOR US film screening & community conversation event, is the first of its kind, and will be discussing […]
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What The World’s Silence Says
What The World’s Silence Says
Yahya Ashour will be reading poems about the war in Gaza, and will take questions from the audience afterwards. ABOUT […]
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Huda Asfour and Farah Al-Barqawi
Huda Asfour and Farah Al-Barqawi
End the 2023 and enter 2024 with the sounds of the oud and the voice of Huda Asfour and reading […]
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.